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Clarinda Solberg

Clarinda Solberg Clarinda Solberg

Director of Data Integration


What do you do at United Way of Central Minnesota?

I am the director of data integration. My work contributes to understanding of how data and connected strategies align with community-level outcomes.

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?

I absolutely love work that convenes communities most impacted by disparities, with systems leaders for policy changes. I deeply value that kind of civic engagement across community in collaboration.

Favorite quote?

“Everything you touch, you change. Everything you change, changes you.” – Octavia Butler 

Your top favorite Podcast/Book?

Anything by bell hooks, N. K. Jemisin.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I absolutely love time spent with my dog, in nature or with a book. I really value the people whom I love.

What is one thing on your bucket list?

I would love to hug a Redwood.