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Casey Krafnick

Casey Krafnick Casey Krafnick

Community Engagement Manager


What do you do at United Way of Central Minnesota?

As the community engagement manager, I oversee our community groups, I get people connected and I make new friends in the process!

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?

I just love meeting new people and learning their story. We are all just one piece in this giant puzzle called life and it is so fascinating to see how our pieces fit together.

Favorite quote?

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson

Your top favorite podcast or book?

Podcast: The One You Feed

Book: The Rainbow Fish

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I love to hang out with my husband, Aksel, and our two puppers, Tucker and Trey. This job is pretty social, which I LOVE, but at the end of the day there is nothing better than wagging tails, puppy kisses and snuggles to come home to.

What is one thing on your bucket list?

To save a life.